Honorary Commander Program

Honorary Commander Program

The intent of the Honorary Commander (HCC) Program is to pair up base leadership with community leaders who have limited or no knowledge about the Air Force, its mission and the 56th Fighter Wing at Luke Air Force Base. Civilian participants will be selected from among non-federal elected or appointed officials, mayors, chamber of commerce-type group members, principals of local schools, Military Affairs Committee members, business leaders and others who, because of their position or influence in the community, can positively impact public support for the base. Selected honorary commanders should represent a cross-section of the entire community.

What to Expect

The program allows for frequent opportunities to visit Luke Air Force Base and learn about the mission, to participate in base functions and to express your views on issues of mutual concern.

This is an excellent way to gain a better understanding of the mission here at the 56th Fighter Wing and build partnerships that can help our communities plan for and move into the future. If you’re interested and have time to commit to learning and becoming our voice in your community, this is the perfect place to start. 

Term Length
The Luke AFB HCC Program is a voluntary program with a maximum two-year term limit. It is designed to build and maintain solid, mutually beneficial partnerships between local communities and Luke AFB. However, HCCs can resign or be dropped from the program at any time if the program is not a good fit. 


If selected, an HCC should be included in unit functions as much as possible, providing a hands-on experience in the program. They should be invited to be a part of their assigned unit and attend not only business functions such as unit ceremonies and meetings, but family functions as well, i.e., Christmas parties, unit picnics, and other such unit events. The HCC will be invited (by the Public Affairs Office) to base-wide events such as awards ceremonies and changes of command. Which events the HCC attends is optional. HCCs should make every effort to be involved and attend at least one event per quarter, but are encouraged to attend as many events as possible to gain knowledge and build a strong partnership with their military commander, unit personnel and Team Luke.

Lack of commitment undermines the program’s intent and HCCs should drop from the program if they are unable to actively engage with their commander. We understand mission comes first, so dropping from the program does not create a poor reflection of you or your business. All questions, concerns or issues about the overall program should be directed to the 56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs Office. Commitment and feedback is essential to the success of this program. 


  • Honorary Commanders should:
    • Be a United States citizen of outstanding character, integrity and patriotism
    • Have a deep interest in military affairs
    • Be a leader in local/regional/national community affairs
    • Be in a position to provide individual perspectives to senior Air Force leaders on Air Force initiatives, issues and other matters of interest
    • Be in a position to disseminate information about the Air Force to broad cross section of the public and to other prominent citizens in his or her area
    • Be able to interpret and affect public attitude toward the Air Force
    • Be able and willing to devote a reasonable amount of time as a civic leader for the installation
  • Honorary Commanders will not:
    • Be an employee of the Federal Government
    • Be a federally elected or appointed official. Locally elected or appointed officials will be considered on a case-by-case basis
    • Be an active member of the National Guard or a member of the Ready Reserve (Selected), Individual Ready Reserve or Standby Reserve
    • Be a retired military member of any service. Exceptions will be rare and approved at the MAJCOM/PAC-level when there is significant justification for inclusion
    • Be a paid employee of any political party
    • Hold financial interests that conflict with their role as a civic leader

Contact Us

The application window for the 2024-2026 Honorary Commander Class is closed. For other inquiries, reach out to the 56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs Office org box below. 

Phone: (623) 856-6011

Org Box Email: 56FW.PA@us.af.mil