Answering the call to duty and being in the military is no easy task. Many sacrifice so much serving our country. This all goes hand-in-hand with the core value of "service before self."
I think we could all agree the biggest sacrifice made is the time taken away from family, friends and personal time. It is a constant juggling act, and sometimes it can be overwhelming trying to handle all of the tasks thrown our way without missing out on too much.
One thing is certain; we can't get back time that's already passed. This is why we must value each moment and do our best to balance our priorities.
Tasks at work will always continue to come and go, and you will have your good and bad days. Make sure to find time for yourself, and most importantly, your friends and family. If we can't separate work from our personal lives then both will begin to affect each other negatively.
"It's all about quality of life and finding a happy balance between work and friends and family." -Philip Green
To balance work, family and personal time means we must distribute ourselves equally in all areas of our lives. It will not come easy, and will take time and hard work and can be stressful, but once this balance is established you will see the benefits.
One thing to try is setting a day out of the week for your family, friends or just yourself. Put this date on your calendar and follow through with it. Another idea that may help is to have your priorities straight. Take a look at what really matters. Once you figure out your priorities, don't lose sight of them and keep pushing toward that equality.
Remember, there is no single way to do this balancing act of work, friends and family because it will be different for each person. Devote yourself to your work, but also be sure to enjoy your time away from it. Time is something you can't get back.