56 CPTS MIssion and Vision

MISSION: We Invest Resources and Deliver Financial Services to Thunderbolt Airmen supporting the World’s Greatest Fighter Pilots.

vision: Premier Comptrollers! Advancing Financial Excellence for tomorrows challenges

Major Taylor Broekhuis
SMSgt Tiffany Robinson
Senior Enlisted Leader
MSgt Kimberly Douglas
First Sergeant

56 CPTS Customer Service Office

The financial services office provides pay and travel related customer service support to military and civilian employees at Luke AFB. 

Walk-in Hours: Mon-Fri 0900-1400



Block House, Building 1150

7383 N. Litchfield Rd, Ste 1158

Luke AFB, AZ 85309-1512


MyPay Password resets: In order to protect our customers and their financial information, all MyPay password resets MUST be done in person.  Please visit our office during walk-in hours with a valid photo ID.


GTC Information: To be placed on mission critical status or request a GTC limit increase, please contact your unit’s Agency Program Coordinator (APC). For increases beyond $15K, please have your unit's APC complete the GTC Credit Limit Increase form and forward it to the base APC for further processing. 

GTC Credit Limit Increase Form


DTS Information: If you encounter issues with your DTS voucher, please work with your unit’s ODTA.

Customer Service Actions (In-Processing, Out-processing, separations, retirements, and deployments)

Mandatory In-Processing Brief:

Members attend a joint MPF/CPTS In-processing briefing on Tuesdays or Thursdays at 0800 in Building 1150 (Block House) room 1146.  We will walk through completing the PCS voucher and other related documents.  Each member will receive a one-on-one voucher review prior to leaving.  Please make sure you bring all receipts with you, and to speed up your time in the briefing, you can complete the below packet prior to the briefing.

PCS In-Processing Packet

Financial In-Processing Brief

PCS In-Processing Sign Up

Virtual Customer Service Portal: https://csp.cce.af.mil/#/  

          Save time and submit your inquires virtually!


Out-processing, Separations, and Retirements:

MANDATORY Separation/Retirement Briefing:

Members attend the separation/retirement briefing held on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month at 1100 in Building 1150 (Block House) room 1146. We will walk through the Sep/Ret process and required documentation to make your final out successful.

Sep/Ret Briefing Signup

For Out-processing, Please fill out the top portion of the form, attach with a copy of your PCS orders along with any amendments if applicable, and upload to CSP.

Out-Processing 101 Brief

Out-Processing Checklist: Please complete and return to Finance with a copy of your PCS travel orders.

Fill out the entire packet and return it to our org box along with your separation/retirement orders and your final out date with MPF to schedule your separation briefing with us.

We CAN NOT give you a leave authorization number until you complete your briefing with us, and you will not be able to final out with MPF without the leave authorization number. 

We CAN NOT do anything without your separation/retirement orders.

Separation Retirement Checklist


Please email your final move documents here:  56CPTS.FMFCCUSTOMERS@us.af.mil



Below is a brochure which highlights some of the potential entitlements you could receive depending on your location, and length of deployment.  Your deployed Finance Office will be able to assist you with starting any of these entitlements.

Upon return from a deployment, please complete your voucher in DTS.  If you have any questions or issues, please contact your unit’s ODTA.  If issues continue, appointments can be set up through your ODTA with CPTS to complete the voucher.

Deployment Trifold


Common Finance Forms